
Server Details

Server IP
Bedrock IP
Server Version

Server Status

The Server is online!
Players Online: 0 / 12

Custom Scripted!

Server runs on custom made scripts that utilizes Skript's functionalities to achieve endless customizations!
Classic Survival

A classic survival server that offers little to no modification to the vanilla server, allowing users to experience Minecraft the vanilla way.

Town Protection System

Tired of malicious user griefing your hard work? RammyCraft features custom made Town Protection System to protect your build. The system is highly customizable allowing user to set behaviors such as fire spread and friendly fire! The system also features a PR system allowing members from other town to access your town with configurable build and break permission.

Chest Protection System

You can prevent your precious loot from getting stolen by other players or even your town members! The system allows you to define who you want to share the chest content with anytime you want. The system covers various chest type such as chest, trapped chest, shulker box, hopper, furnance and many more. It even helps protect your chest from those sneaky creepers that blows up behind you while you are not looking around!